Use of proceeds
Under Article 4 of the EuGB Regulation, before maturity, the proceeds of EuGBs must be fully allocated in accordance with the taxonomy requirements to the following activities (or a combination thereof):
a. fixed assets (other than financial assets);
b. capital expenditures (that meet or will meet the taxonomy requirements);
c. operating expenditures with a 3-year look back period (that meet or will meet the taxonomy requirements);
d. financial assets created no later than 5 years after the issuance of the European green bond (which may include subsequent financial assets); and
e. assets and expenditures of households.
In addition, it is important from a practical perspective that proceeds can also be allocated to a portfolio of fixed assets or financial assets, provided that the allocation reports show that the total value of fixed assets or financial assets in the portfolio exceeds the total value of the portfolio of outstanding bonds (the “portfolio approach”). Issuers are allowed to allocate net proceeds only and can deduct issuance costs.
Article 5 of the EuGB Regulation provides some flexibility such that issuers can allocate up to 15% of the proceeds to economic activities that comply with the taxonomy requirements with the exception of the technical screening criteria where broadly: (i) there is no technical screening criteria in force for that relevant activity by the date of issuance of the EuGB; or (ii) the activities are in the context of international support that contribute to the environmental objectives of the Taxonomy Regulation. This so-called “flexibility pocket” is a compromise between the position of the European Council that advocated for some flexibility for certain economic activities for which there are no technical screening criteria or for certain activities in the context of international support that contribute to the environmental objectives and the European Parliament, which was not keen on any flexibility, but did want some ability for proceeds to be allocated to a portfolio of financial assets.
EU and third country sovereigns are allowed to issue EuGB to finance public assets or expenditures that meet or are expected to meet the taxonomy requirements within a reasonably short period of time after issuance.
CapEx plans
Where the proceeds are used for capital or operating expenditures, the issuer has to publish a CapEx plan in accordance with Annex I of Commission Delegated regulation 2021/2178. A summary of the CapEx plan must be included in the prospectus, which should list the most significant projects carried out by the issuer, measured as a share of the total capital expenditure covered by the issuer’s Capex plan. In addition, the issuer will need to publish a report on progress made on the implementation of the plan in the annual allocation report.
Application of technical screening criteria and grandfathering
When issuing an EuGB bond, the issuer must ensure that the proceeds of the bond are allocated in accordance with the technical screening criteria in the Taxonomy Regulation applicable at the date of issuance of the bond. The technical screening criteria are set out in delegated acts under the Taxonomy Regulation. To date, the technical screening criteria in relation to economic activities that can make a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation have been put in place4 and more recently the environmental delegated act under the Taxonomy Regulation applied from 1 January 20245.
If the relevant technical screening criteria are amended after the date of the issuance of the bond, there is a grandfathering period of 7 years, by the end of which time, the issuer will need to ensure that the following proceeds are aligned with the amended technical screening criteria:
i. proceeds that have not yet been allocated; and
ii. proceeds covered by the Capex plan that have not yet met the taxonomy requirements.
For assets that are allocated using the portfolio approach, the grandfathering works slightly differently. Issuers will need to make sure that all activities included in the portfolio are aligned with the technical screening criteria that were applicable at some point during the 7 years prior to the publication of the allocation report.
This 7 year grandfathering period was the result of a compromise between the European Parliament’s wish for different treatment for transitional activities, with limited grandfathering, which was a major stumbling block for the European Council. This 7 year period should provide sufficient flexibility for issuers who can adjust the term of their bonds accordingly.
EuGB factsheets and reports
Before issuing an EuGB, the issuer must publish an European Green Bond factsheet using the template in Annex 1 of the EuGB Regulation. The factsheet must be accompanied by a pre-issuance review by an external reviewer.
In addition, issuers must prepare an annual allocation report (using the template in Annex II of the EuGB Regulation) every year, until the date of full allocation. This should set out the allocation of the bond proceeds and should be reviewed by an external reviewer. Further, an issuer must obtain a post-issuance review by an external reviewer of the allocation report (except where there is no change to the allocation) drawn up after the full allocation of the proceeds of the EuGB, which should be based on the template in Annex IV of the EuGB Regulation.
Finally, issuers must produce an impact report after the full allocation of the proceeds of the bond, which should be based on the template in Annex III of the EuGB Regulation, although there is no need to subject this report to an external review.
Publication on the issuer’s website
The European green bond fact sheet and the pre-issuance review need to be published free of charge on the issuer’s website before bond is issued.
The annual allocation reports, post-issuance review and the European green bond impact report must be published without undue delay after they are drawn up. There should also be a link to the prospectus, the CapEx plan and the impact report review of the European green bond impact report where applicable and any amendments or corrections to any of these documents.
Optional disclosure for bonds marketed as environmentally sustainable and SLBs
In accordance with Article 20 of the EuGB Regulation, the European Commission will publish guidelines establishing templates for bonds marketed as environmentally sustainable and SLBs in the EU (whether or not such bonds are labelled as EuGB or European green bonds). These templates should include information on whether the issuer intends to use an external reviewer and how the bond proceeds will be used in accordance with the EuGB Regulation.
The content, methodology and presentation of the templates will be set out in delegated acts and issuers will be able to use the templates to make periodic disclosures.
Prospectus disclosure requirements
Any bond that is looking to comply with the EuGB Regulation must be designated as a “European green bond” or “EuGB” throughout the prospectus. In addition, the prospectus must state that the EuGB is issued in accordance with the EuGB Regulation in the use of proceeds section.
Issuers will also need to ensure that they comply with the disclosure requirements under the EU Prospectus Regulation and include any relevant material ESG-related information in the prospectus. It is important to note that the EuGB Regulation does not provide for the mandatory incorporation of the factsheet into the prospectus (as was proposed by the European Parliament), nor stipulate that a binding provision of compliance with the EuGB Regulation must be included in the terms and conditions of the bond (as proposed by the European Council).
Although, at the moment, there are no disclosure requirements under the EU Prospectus Regulation to include any relevant material ESG-related information in the prospectus, changes currently being proposed under the EU Listing Act provide for sustainability disclosure requirements under the EU Prospectus Regulation. In December 2022, the European Commission proposed some changes to the EU Prospectus Regulation as part of the Listing Act package of reforms6. Amongst the proposals, the European Commission has the power to adopt delegated acts setting out standardised annexes specifying the ESG-related information that should be included in a prospectus that is advertised as taking into account ESG factors or pursuing ESG objectives. However, it is unlikely that these standardised annexes will be in place before 2025, so after the date the EuGB Regulation applies.
Supervisory framework for external reviewers
The EuGB Regulation also establishes a new regime for the registration and ongoing supervision of external reviewers by ESMA. External reviewers have to comply with certain organisational, process and governance requirements as well as requirements regarding pre-issuances and post-issuance reviews. There is also a framework for third-country reviewers, by way of equivalence assessment, recognition or endorsement.
As the more detailed level two measures in relation to external reviewers are not yet in place, there are some transitional provisions and external reviewers will need to comply with many of the requirements on a best efforts basis until 21 June 2026. After that date, external reviewers will need to be registered with ESMA.
Powers of competent authorities and ESMA
There are additional powers for competent authorities and ESMA to issues fines and other administrative sanctions.
Review of the EuGB Regulation
There is a review provision stipulating that the EuGB Regulation must be reviewed 5 years after its entry into force and every 3 years thereafter. The European Commission has to submit a report to the European Parliament and the European Council, accompanied by a legislative proposal where appropriate, including in relation to the disclosure of issuers of bonds marketed as environmentally sustainable and SLBs. However, there is no indication of a review clause that would look at making the EuGB Regulation mandatory in the future, as was proposed by the European Parliament. In addition, within 3 years the European Commission must publish a report in relation to the need to regulate SLBs, accompanied by a legislative proposal, where relevant.
Final thoughts and implementation in the UK
The EuGB Regulation is one of the remaining pieces of the European Commission’s strategy for financing the transition to a sustainable economy7. The recitals encourage EU institutions to use the label whilst the European Investment Bank is stated to be committed to gradually aligning its green bond programme with the European green bond standard. For other market participants, notwithstanding the stringent requirements, the extent to which they can use the standard will depend on the availability of assets that are in alignment with the taxonomy requirements, which to date is fairly limited. The flexibility pocket of 15% will therefore be helpful in this regard. Consequently, at least initially, it is widely expected that only a limited number of issuers will seek to obtain a European green bond designation for their issuances. This may change over time and market participants may want to keep abreast of how the technical requirements under the Taxonomy Regulation develop before the application of the EuGB Regulation.
Market participants who are contemplating using the EuGB label or the voluntary templates should monitor the EuGB Regulation developments and consider how they will be able to meet the various requirements. It will also be interesting to understand the extent to which the new ESG disclosure annexes under the EU Prospectus Regulation will align with the optional templates for bonds marketed as environmentally sustainable and SLBs in the EU.
Meanwhile, by way of comparison, in the UK, to date there have not been any proposals relating to a UK green bond standard or specific ESG disclosure requirements although the UK Financial Conduct Authority has asked for views8 on whether further direction is needed through guidance or content requirements in order to provide issuers with greater certainty as to what should be included in terms of ESG disclosure in the prospectus.
This note is for guidance only and should not be relied on as legal advice in relation to a particular transaction or situation. Please contact your normal contact at Hogan Lovells if you require assistance or advice in connection with any of the above.