Mining cryptocurrencies in Russia will now be banned after the country decided to launch its own national cryptocurrency: the CryptoRuble.
The CryptoRuble will have the same value as the Ruble and people will be able to change it into real Rubles at any time.
Each person holding CryptoRubles and who cannot explain their provenance will be taxed at 13% of that amount.
If a person makes a profit from trading CryptoRubles, a tax will be levied at 13% of the difference between the buying price and the selling price.
Additionally, if the value of the CryptoRuble appreciates compared to the Ruble, a tax will be levied to make up the difference between the two; this will ensure that they stay around the same level.
It is not clear yet how the CryptoRuble will be applied in the real world and what technology it will use.
Communications Minister, Nikolai Nikiforov, stated:
“I confidently declare that we run CryptoRuble for one simple reason: if we do not, then after two months our neighbours in the EurAsEC will.”