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Iceland held a presidential election on 1 June 2024.

Halla Tomasdottir won with 34.3% of the votes, defeating former Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdottir who received 25.5%.

Tomasdottir will replace Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, who did not seek re-election, and will take office on 1 August 2024.

Presidents are directly elected for four-year terms and hold a largely ceremonial role.

Iceland has a unicameral parliament (Althingi) comprising 63 members elected for four-year terms by proportional representation. 

The current Prime Minister is Bjarni Benediktsson of the Independence Party. The coalition government represents the Left Green Movement, the Independence Party and the Progressive Party.

The main political parties in Iceland are Independence Party; Progressive Party; Left-Green Movement; Social Democratic Alliance; Pirate Party; People's Party; Vidreisn; Centre Party.

The country has a population of 377,391 and approximately 254,680 registered voters. Turnout in the 2024 election was 78.8%. In the last parliamentary election in 2021, voter turnout was 80%. 

1 Jun 2024

Election Date