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At a glance

On 14 February 2024, Indonesia held presidential, parliamentary and local elections.

Prabowo Subianto of the Gerindra  party won the presidential election, succeeding outgoing President Joko Widodo who had served the maximum two terms in office. 

Presidential candidates need 50% of the overall vote and at least 20% of votes in each province in order to win and serve a five-year term.

President Subianto won against Anies Baswedan standing as an independent and Ganjar Pranowo of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) party. 

The People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) has a 575-member upper House of People's Representatives (DPR) and a 136-member lower house Regional Representatives' Council (DPD).

Members of both the House of Representatives and the Regional Representatives Council are elected from multi-member electoral districts through voting with an open list system, and seat distribution is done with the Sainte-Laguë method. 

Political parties need 4% of the vote in order to enter parliament. 

The main political parties in Indonesia are the PDI-P; the Democratic Party (PD); Golkar; the PPP; the PKB, the National Mandate Party (PAN); the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS); Hanura, Gerindra;  and NasDem. 

Indonesia has a population 279.4 million and approximately 204.4 million registered voters. Voter turnout in the 2024 presidential election was 82.3% and 81.4% in the parliamentary election.

14 Feb 2024

Election Date

Our firm capability

Having been in Asia Pacific for over 40 years, we offer one of the strongest practices across the APAC region, with offices in mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam and Australia. In Indonesia, we assist clients through an association with local law firm Dewi Negara Fachri & Partners.

Leveraging the breadth and depth of our resources across the region, we have made a significant commitment to servicing international and domestic clients to achieve legal and business goals.

  •  A Japanese trading house in relation to alleged corruption and environmental compliance issues in Indonesia. (ESG)
  • A major energy company with respect to a regulatory investigation in Indonesia in relation to alleged corrupt activities, potential "state loss" claims and related project liabilities.
  • An Australian stock exchange (ASX)-listed utilities and energy conglomerate in an Indonesian Attorney-General investigation.
  • A BVI fund on a multi-million dollar recovery in Indonesia involving market manipulation, fraud, the Indonesian police, regulatory investigations and intervention.
  • A global financial institution on a KPK investigation relating to a US$2 billion dollar financing to an Indonesian conglomerate group.
  • A U.S. media services provider in an investigation carried out by the Indonesian competition authority (KPPU).
  • A European-headquartered hedge fund, brokerage, and asset manager in relation to its trapped share collateral in Indonesia.
  • A global, Fortune 500 water and energy multinational in relation to an investigation for fraud committed by current and former employees in Indonesia.
  • An Indonesian energy JV in relation to an internal investigation concerning allegations of government corruption, in a US$1 billion project and a KPK investigation.
  • An Indonesian natural gas transportation and distribution company in a SIAC arbitration against a leading Floating Storage and Regasification Unit provider for disputes arising out of a lease, operation and maintenance agreement amounting to over USD 400m.

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