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At a glance

Mexico held a general election on 2 June 2024 to elect a new president, all members of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.

Claudia Sheinbaum of the ruling National Regeneration Movement (Morena) won the election with 59.3% of the votes and became Mexico’s first female President.

The main opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez of the PAN-PRI-PRD alliance won 27.9%.

Outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Morena had served the maximum single six-year term.  

The bicameral congress comprises the upper house Senate with 128 members elected for six-year terms, 64 elected by first-past-the-post, 32 using the first minority principle and 32 by proportional representation. The lower house Chamber of Deputies has 500 members elected for three-year terms, 300 are elected by first-past-the-post and 200 by proportional representation.

The main political parties are Morena, the Partido del Trabajo (PT), Partido Verde Ecologista de México (PVEM); Partido Acción Nacional (PAN); Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD); Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI); and Movimiento Ciudadano (MC).

Mexico has a population of 129 million and around 93.3 million registered voters. Turnout in the 2024 election was 60.9%. 

2 June 2024

Election Date

Our firm capability

Our firm boasts a robust capability in acting for or against governments and advising clients on complex regulatory matters. With a wealth of experience in administrative litigation, we represent clients in judicial proceedings at all levels of government – municipal, state, and federal – as well as before parastatal agencies. 

Our team excels in navigating the intricacies of government concessions, public contracts, and regulatory compliance, providing strategic counsel and vigorous defense in matters involving antitrust, permits, licenses, and authorizations. Additionally, we have a proven track record in government and public affairs, adeptly advising both public and private entities, including financial institutions, on the intricate dynamics of regulatory environments and public policy.

  • Advising a worldwide IT company on a major government contract procedure with the Ministry of Finance. 
  • Advising multinational companies in the planning and adoption of complex regulatory strategies in connection with business restructurings. 
  • Representing several firms of external auditors in the development of investigation proceedings and proceedings for infractions of the law before the National Banking and Securities Commission (Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores). 
  • Advising on fines imposed by the INAI, derived from alleged violations to the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties. 
  • Representing various companies of the national electricity industry through different ways of defense against the actions of the federal government and its regulatory entities. 
  • Advising Counsel to the State of Nuevo León in obtaining a US$115 million credit facility for the purchase of 26 new trains for a new rail line in the state capital, Monterrey. 
  • Representing Eli Lilly in the first trial for civil damages for antitrust violations in an action brought by the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Mexican Social Security Institute). 
  • Defending a Chinese steel company in an anti-dumping investigation and successfully obtaining the non-imposition of an anti-dumping duty (we were the first firm in Mexico to obtain a favorable decision in this industry).  
  • Providing strategic advice and litigation for companies in the over-the-counter (OTC) drug sector to defend their interests in relation to restrictions imposed by government health authorities on the labeling of their products
  • Advising the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation on the design and implementation of the public fiber optic tender process. 

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