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At a glance

Pakistan held a general election on 8 February 2024.

The Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) and Pakistan People's Party (PPP) formed a coalition government. Shehbaz Sharif was re-elected as Prime Minister and will serve a five-year term. 

The bicameral parliament has the lower house National Assembly comprising 342 seats – 272 are elected by first-past-the post, 60 seats are reserved for women and 10 for minorities which are allotted on the basis of 5% proportional representation in the federal parliament. 

The upper house Senate is due to have elections for 52 of the 100 seats in April 2024.

The main political parties are PTI, PML-N, PPP, MQM, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (Fazl), Pakistan Muslim League (Functional), National People's Party, PML (Q), Awami National Party, Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), Balochistan Awami Party.

Pakistan has a population of 244 million and around 128 million registered voters.  Turnout in the 2024 election was 47.2%.

8 Feb 2024

Election Date