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Rwanda held presidential and legislative elections on 15 July 2024.

President Paul Kagame of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) secured a fourth consecutive five-year term with 99% of the vote.

Frank Habineza of the Democratic Green Party won 0.53% and independent Philippe Mpayimana 0.32%.

The Prime Minister is Édouard Ngirente.

The country has a bicameral parliament. The lower house Chamber of Deputies has 80 members – 53 are directly elected and 27 are indirectly elected by representatives of special interest groups. The upper house Senate has 24 members – 16 are indirectly elected and eight are appointed by the president.

Rwanda has a population of 14.3 million and around 9 million registered voters. In the 2024 election, voter turnout was 98.2%.

15 Jul 2024

Election Date