

Governance and social policy

In force

All foreign nationals working in Mozambique.

This Decree establishes the mechanisms and processes that govern the work contracts of foreign nationals.


Environmental policy

In force

 All companies (public and private) involved in the production of urban solid waste.

The decree establishes the rules governing the management of urban solid waste.


Environmental policy

In force

All institutions (public or private) and all individuals  who, in the performance of their duties, contribute towards the prevention and mitigation of natural disasters.

This law establishes the legal regime that governs the management of natural disasters including the prevention and mitigation of the disastrous effects of such disasters as well as the development of actions related to relief, assistance and reconstruction in the affected areas.


Environmental policy

In force

All activities that may (directly or indirectly) have an impact on the environment.

This Act establishes the protective requirements that must be satisfied in order to prevent environmental disasters.

The Act consists of 34 articles which define natural elements, set out authorized activities relevant to the exploitation of the environment and establish national programmes for environmental management under the responsibility of competent authorities.


Environmental policy

In force

All activities related to the production, transportation, distribution and commercialization of electrical energy.

This law defines, in relation to electrical energy:

a) the general policies with respect to the organization of the sector and the management of electricity supply; and

b) the legal regime governing the production, transportation, distribution and commercialization of electric energy.


Environmental policy

In force

Industries that are regulated by ARENE.

The objectives of this law are to:

a) ensure the regulation of the activities within the energy subsectors, including the distribution and marketing of petroleum products and their derivatives;

b) ensure strict compliance with the principles and rules applicable to the energy sector, in accordance with national legislation and international standards and good practices;

c) promote fair competition between public and private operators in the energy sector;

d) make the energy market more competitive, efficient, economically and environmentally sustainable;

e) ensure the satisfaction of the public interest and defense of the rights of electricity and fuel consumers;

f) reinforce the control of the impacts resulting from the use of energy on the environment;

g) contribute towards national energy security.

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