


In force

Senegal, physical persons and legal entities

The Code specifies, in particular, the working conditions applicable to all workers, women's work, and maternity protection. Specific provisions are provided for disabled workers and the work of children who may not be employed in any enterprise, even as apprentices, before the age of fifteen, unless an exemption is issued by order of the Minister of Labour.



In force

Senegal, any organisation

The workers participate, through their representatives, in the determination of working conditions in the company. The State shall ensure the sanitary and human conditions in the workplaces.


Environmental policy

In force

Senegal, any organisation

The law targets applications related to renewable energies, their exploitation, storage and marketing. It extends to all renewable energy sectors as well as their safety and security. It aims to promote the development of renewable energies, reduce the use of fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gas emissions.



In force

Senegal, any organisation

The law aims to create favourable conditions for the development of the biofuel sector. It aims to determine the framework for the exploitation, in all forms, of biofuels, to promote access to energy services at sustainable costs; to set the conditions and standards for the production and exploitation of biofuels, to promote economic growth and contribute to social welfare.



In force

Senegal, any organisation

The purpose of the code is to define the legal regime of the rules relating to the planning, use and preservation of water, and those relating to the organization and operation of the public water service. The law aims among other things to prevent water pollution.



In force

Senegal, any organisation

The purpose of the law is to establish the fundamental principles intended to manage and protect the environment against all forms of degradation, in order to the rational exploitation of natural resources, to fight against the various kinds of pollution and different kinds of pollution and nuisances and to improve the living conditions of the populations in populations in the respect of the balance of their relations with the surrounding environment.



In force

Senegal, public authorities

The public authorities have the obligation to preserve and restore essential ecological processes, to provide for the responsible management of species and ecosystems, to preserve the diversity and integrity of the genetic heritage, to require environmental assessment of plans, projects or programs, to promote environmental education and to ensure the protection of populations in the development and implementation of projects and programs with significant social and environmental impacts.



In force

Senegal, applicants for mining permits

Any applicant for a mining permit must carry out an environmental impact study and the implementation of an environmental management plan before starting its activities, in accordance with the Environmental Code.



In force

Senegal, Mining permit holders

The Mining Code has introduced innovations on the respect of human rights by companies, on the conduct of environmental impact assessments by companies, on compensation for damages and on adherence to the principles and requirements of the standard (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative).

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